Apr 10, 2010

Talks with my lawyer-to-be cousin yesterday.

He said, "I studied 2000 chinese words just so that they can test me 5 words and give me 5 marks."
I said, "(wth) So how much you got for Olevels L1R5?"
He said, "6pts. Str8 As."
Me *breathes*, "GG"

Seriously man. Dont tell me about tikam or tyco, it's hardwork that counts ok. All those getting high marks saying, "Aiya never study! Tikam one la, roll dice, tyco, anyhow put, I see no As then I change my MCQ to As." ACT ONLY.

GG leh cousin 6 pts I how *flips the 6 over* 9 points can la hor? Favourite number of mine! Hehehe. Must work hard liaozzzzzzzzzz. Suanzee stop disturbing me from studying :p I wanna be rich also okay!

p/s: LOL at my header
Found this AGAIN. Read http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=3423 / youtube - Lady gaga exposed.
Lame/not lame? After reading will you believe/not believe?

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