Aug 19, 2010


I'm munching on pandan cake. its green. &That's naise. Wahahaha how's life for everyone? This space is def zombified.... Its dead. No visuals, omgaw. Life's been pretty managable, unfair at times but gotta accept this's how's its gon' be! I'm completing my art canvas soon, hope to finish my blackboard soon too as well..... Eng Os oral was mmm good? Chi's results was.... O-K. And getting the same marks exactly as someone. HAHA :p friends' side are fine.. Nathan is going NS soon, wyn disappeared, laura's in love? And as for me, I'm happy as well. Knowing someone is always there for you, gives you the 'back-up' feeling. Like knowing someone is always there. I'm satisfied! And I hope good things re on its way after Os, right? Hehex. Meanwhile study hard! God bless x

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