Aug 4, 2010

love is complicated if you always depend on your feelings, sometimes you really just need to use your brain. - anon

Hello! Its been so long ive touched the comp, now i cant type at th speed of light anymore :( *ohno. was fine this morning until afternoon came, started sneezing like a sneezing machine and in no time, ive got flu! Till now. Suffered like hell during tuition, one to one tuition, yes imagine the pressure, cldnt take it so i excused myself saying i had to go to the toilet and went to sleep awhile haha! UM NO I DIDNT SLP IN THE TOILET. p/s: i really still hope to bump into @katyperry HAHAHA but yah whatever stupid fat hope in my face. But whatever, thinking abt it makes me happy teehee! I'll prolly just faint.

Sigh, time passes so fast? Saw this on darren's pm longlong time ago (the pm laura laughs about) "Time passes when you need it most" or smth like that, so true. 10+ more weeks to Os, Nathan's going NS soon, I'm graduating -_- Im actually g.r.a.d.u.a.t.i.n.g. Man. Old liao old liao

Ok gdbye everyone, study hard! :P

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