Jul 20, 2010


Today, while playing softball, the softball came flying right into my face, hit my nose, and I sneezed. Thanks Peishan.

Today, after having pizza hut for lunch, it was pouring. No way were we gonna take the bus and get ourselves wet so we decided to take a cab but the queue was like dragon manzz, asked some lady to let us go first she agreed :D but the person behind her said "Olevel so what?" So giving in, we didn't take the cab. We ran through j8 like fools. Saw huimin's dad aftermath and we squeezed 8 butts into the 5-seater cab. Waow. Thanks Huimin, Huimin's Dad, Huimin's sister (for being there).

:) Life's like this. Probably the most epic day of 2010 so far. X

1 comment:

  1. Eh, please. Do you know the definition of 'epic'? Don't you realise that you are using it wrongly. Ooops! Your English...... CMI.

    p/s: You misused 'epic' wrongly as 'joke'. Girl, do check the dictionary.
