Jul 12, 2010


Hihihihihihihihello. Just woke up from my very nice sleeep mmmz prelim1 is ending in a few days time!! :) someth to rejoice abt, sigh I hate blogging like this its so boring but whatever, gotta chill for like half a week aft prelims then start studying again. Its been so long I've shopped omg! Xept for on9, totally lost the feeling.. So mmmz things ve been going fine, my dad finally signed the xxx GB free plan which explains my ability to on9 till like 2am+ and blogging from my phone etc. I've been pretty happy lately, just that a lil stress due to the fact I'm gonna fail ss and many others.

Anw so now lady gaga is the queen of pop? Where has madonna gone to? Everyone shld just go get HOT mag becuz it keeps you updated on crap, celebrity crap, interesting celebrity crap. Oh oh and broken by sezairi.. Not bad fo a singaporean eh? HA! Will blog when I've the time. With pictures :/

Man I miss you alrd though we talked at lik 3am in the mrn abt the match, best I cld ever hav xx mmm oops? I'm just a 16yr old kid *sigh

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