Jul 1, 2010


hi. hihi. hihihi. you know blogger just deleted my whole damned post but itz ok shall retype. my mom's nagging at me to study not considering the fact that ive just sat for like 4 and a half hrs constantly doing emath sums in a cold room. trust me that sux. but whtevs so hows math all? i thought it was avg. screw the arc qn. oh man. anw im dling iOS4 now seems cool 8D gdluck to moi for chemistry tmr man, omgoodness. sigh. you know what? i've been asking people whats their purpose in life lately and yeah sadly some starts to realise.. they really dont know. OK so that's bad because if you dont know yr purpose in life then maybe youre better off dead. mmm mmm. so many things in my head but i cant seem to put em into words now! i wanna do so many things aft Os, and that includes flying over to somewhr far far away with gd company :) but o well, im 16 yrs old (soon) and i cant wait to learn more things, huo dao lao xue dao lao! but mean while i should just study and focus on making myself and my parents proud. till then x

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