May 31, 2010

Swensens' personal joke

went to swensens ytd, tried to post in swensens but my bb lagged like some shit haha so forget it. here goes? my mom ordered this cake she thought it would be awesome to have a cake with a coffee after her sambal grilled fish. so when it came she was like "omg its an ice cream leh! dont touch dont touch! change order!!!" "excuse me waitor!" *gives totally turn off face "Is this an ice cream or a cake?!" Waitor - "It's an ice cream cake." WAAAH ACT FUNNY LEHHH. and succeeded totally!! But it was really an ice cream cake. And the waitors face was like constipated sia, like controlling his laughter. And then I burst out laughing, totally embarrassed myself. okay maybe its not funny typed out BUT!! youve gotta be there to feel it haha ok end of my stupid joke post! -accomplishment-

Today - "more healthier" "more harder" then suanzee was like, "your english is terribly awesome" LOL! & later @ my house... "ask you a qn! Do you think 2012 existed?" "do you think 2012 exist?" english a1. It's - do you believe the world will end during 2012 my dear. HAHAHA.

ok bye! :)
p/s: During Os today, chinese paper was so-so, and there was a very very qianbian examiner!

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