Jan 6, 2010

Our very own "Avatar" language.

Went over to the Singapore museum last weekend with my family hmmm, wanted to catch the mummies one but in the end the queue was atrocious so we went over to take a look at others, like.. singapore photography, singapore food, singapore fashion. Some abt history. Kinda interesting. 2nd pix is the super big camera that is I think, taller than me o: me and my bro got ourselves bubbleblowers (lol), cause it totally looks like the one we used when we were young, aww.. Some memories we've got there. Then we came home and started blowing AT HOME, in the house. Ha ha, my mom was pissed because it left marks, but whtever!

Anyw school's great with zee around! Learn to communicate with Noob Loh and me with our very own "Avatar" language. HOHOHOHOHO :D
Cu ard humans xx


  1. hiiii mind me asking how much those bottle of bubbles cost? and where u got it frm? I have been wanting to get those particular ones! tthanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. wtf? lol er sg museum nxt to the cafe whr they sell "vintage" stuffs quite cheap i think
